I’ve always been passionate about great design, which is one of the many reasons I’m so proud Your Space Living. I started the company with a clear mission – to provide high quality design and service to create rooms of distinction. No matter what your budget; how big or small your home, great design is not just about looking good, it’s about feeling good, too. Therefore, it’s vital.
The term ‘user experience’ was originally coined by a gentleman Don Norman when he was vice president of Apple. He wasn’t just talking about computers when he came up with it. He was talking about everything. From design and graphics, to look, feel and physical interaction. The emotional as well as the practical.
It’s why Apple is as famous for its emphasis on great design, and the pleasure it can give, as it is for its computer expertise – perhaps even more so. They understand design affects productivity, and that working on a machine that looks beautiful produces better results than working on a machine that performs brilliantly but looks… well, horrible.
With our homes, it’s even more vital we make great design a priority. After all, our homes are an extension of who we are. What we do within the walls of our haven shapes our mood, affects our productivity and influences our outlook on life beyond those walls.
Taking a bespoke approach to your home’s interior can have a dramatic effect on your life, and how you live it. I’ve seen it happen. I’m not necessarily talking big changes either. Even taking small steps to make your home your own, such as transforming a box room into a simple yet functional study, can become a catalyst for the kind of changes you might only dream of.
Another added incentive for you is that great design and flawless functionality are anything but mutually exclusive. That’s what we believe, anyway, and the work we do is a testament to this. I love great design, it’s not only my business but my passion.
Make small, positive design changes today and feel the difference they make, instantly. If you think about how much nicer it is walking into your bedroom when you have a neatly made bed look forward to (as opposed to a hastily rearranged duvet from ten hours ago), then imagine what might happen if you made great design a priority for your whole home… well, you kind of start to get the picture.
Why not discover what great design can do for you home. We’ll talk dream rooms, personal style and of course budget, but more importantly will help you create a beautifully designed space that you’ll wonder how you ever managed without. That’s a promise.
I’m currently in the process of re-structuring the portfolio section of my website. There will be far more detail on each project. The aim is to provide inspiration and more insight into the process of a Your Space Living room transformation. I’ll be adding some work in progress images so that you get to see the work that goes into making my client’s home improvement dreams come true. Feel free to follow me on twitter and I’ll be sure to tweet a message when the new portfolio is online.
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© 2025 YOUR SPACE LIVING LIMITED - 3A Commercial Street, Llantwit Major, Vale of Glamorgan CF61 1RB